Wednesday, December 31, 2008
amauters night
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
attention jason is not a wigger
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I remember
Friday, December 26, 2008
An open letter to my teen Sexy time partners
To S So you were in my satellite class senior year of high school then we fucked at your roommates Halloween party and she was pissed because I fucked you in her bed and left what was in her words a "fucking nut spunk condom" left on side of her bed. In my defense I'm the most bad ass manimal this worlds ever seen. Common courtesy? Not for me. Little did I know you would have long term consequences.
To S you were my friends little sister you were there, hot, and let me do naughty things whenever I felt like. God bless your oversexed heart.
To Dirty Drew You were hot"ish", did you know you ended up with the name of rock behind your back? Me and my friends gave it to you, because you had the common sense of a box of them. I most vividly remember having sex in my apartment and every time I just kept thinking about how I wanted to drape my giant nuts over your giant nose to make it look like you were a granny wearing my old skin chandeliers like the bifocals that just sit on your nose.
To D I was drunk, you were easy. You freaked and cried and the only good to come out of it is I realized tears as lube jokes don't go over well after just having relations.
To m. I was a selfish asshole, still am actually but if we ever hump again I promise when I switch lanes into the exit only lane I will use proper signaling instead of listening to another banshee yelp.
A lesson learned
merry xmas bitches
Well ho ho ho santa was here
So if that's what Christmas is supposed to be about I think jesus might be a little pissed. What the fuck could that girl have done in 8 years that god hated her so much that he let "Santa" shoot her in the face and live? That should fuel you godless heathens for a week or two. Fuck it makes me question my faith, either that or that little girl was an asswipe and didn't listen to her parents. Let this be a lesson to all the children, Santa don't just put you in the naughty list anymore, he's pissed, and packing heat. The worse your behavior determines where you get shot, if that little girl was less of a bitch she would've been knee capped. God I hope theres an action movie based on this.
Thanks to Kodeine's blog for sharing that little news story with me.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
one more thing
In case you were wondering
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
You ever
Monday, December 22, 2008
you be the judge
on heroine weed and beer
use this product
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Now the pros. 1 You have a vagina i like vagina's. As a matter of fact i would like to eat one right now.
Thank you
The sweet breakdancing black ranger video evidence.
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Whats wrong with the power rangers? American hero's or dirty subliminal racist's? Well first off the black ranger is well a black guy that break dances, The yellow ranger was asian, The white ranger was a white dude and the strongest of the bunch, and the pink ranger is your typical stuck up white bitch. A break dancing black dude, hhhmmm if this were a horror film what do you think would happen? BAM gruesome black death that's what bitches.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
HHHHmmmm dead hooker sandwhich
I will eat your children
Inane ramblings
and on the 8th day god woke up to broken beer bottles and broken women
Jason? It's satan.. We've been expecting you
Jason this is lucifer we’ve been expecting you here is your upper management position
Isn't it weird when you wake up one day and your actually content and realize that your finally getting your shit together and starting to figure out how the world works? I may be broke as shit at the moment but that is a minor glitch in the plan I've come to realize that my intelligence and awesome word smithing skills are lost on a lot of you so i will try and water this down as much as possible. You cannot absolutely cannot sit around bitching about your life and then not go and do anything about it and start playing the coulda woulda shoulda whoa is me bullshit if your not actively trying to start the journey where you want to go. You think it was easy for me to pack a hobo ass garbage bag and move away? No not at all. Think it was easy leaving Deacon? no, not at all. You know why i did it anyways? Because when it came down to it you gotta quit running your man pleaser and step up to the plate when its time to sack up. I'm literally keeping track of all of you people back home home who are doing this exact whiney ass shit. If you question for a second if im talking to you than yes you are one the countless douches that im bitching about. Instead of whining all the time why don't you play in traffic? blow a curling iron? Whatever most of you people back there can't drag your fucking neanderthal knuckles high up enough to reach the key board so my point is kind of lost on half of you tard pups anyways.
wah wah wah
I'm tired not physically so much as mentally i have to keep lieing to myself and saying that this day will be better than the last. All though its a lie its the only thing that keeps me going. i'm tired of everyone else whining about their inane bullshit problems. Oh whats that life didnt turn out how you wanted it to? Congartufuckinglations u fucking morons its called life. What ever i can barely make rent and eat much less chew through all the weed i need to keep from beating the fuck out of you cocksuckers. Seriously the unabomber had it right for fucks sake. As soon as this lease is up im going to move to a shack in montana i swear to god. I have something to say to alot of douche nozzles but i would rather mail it if you know what i mean?
incoherent rambling stoner
sea of suck part one
Stuck in a moment
yeah uh huh and for sure
Now for starters let me tell you that anybody that burns nag champa is a dirty fucking hippie primed for redicule and torture. Did you ever smell something that your brain instantly converted to a memory that you didn't even realize you had? Thats what that dirty fucking smell did to me earlier. A couple years ago i had what was almost a dream job if the boss wasn't a nitrous huffing retard that is. Raise your hand if you can say that you worked at a porn/pipe shop and got paid relatively decent and what you didn't you made up for by taking "damage" goods? Yeah as much as i hate(d) the boss and the shitty same loop of shitty techno music that that half a fag was playing was made all worth while by the fact that i had the best job possible. If that business was run by somebody that was an inept social retard i would've died as manager i swear to god. Under the right circumstances working at a porn/pipe shop is a big limp dick staring you in the face, you just can't beat it. |
damned midgets