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Thursday, February 12, 2009

What the fucking shit?

I can finally start to understand myself as it turns out I'm not very complicated. If you give me pussy beer or food pretty much in that order I'm the happiest camper EVER. I am an at a crossroads right now and when you can't put something in its neat little package where it belongs its infuriates me. Who really complicates things here? Is it me, you, or do we just have a synergy that fucks it all up? Fuck straight, gay, bi, horse fuckers I wanna be a eunuch. I'm just gonna tuck my shit back buffalo bill style and dance around in a pink gown talking about it gets the lotion on the skin or it gets the hose again.

1 comment:

  1. you cant put some people in air tight containers b/c good lord...maybe you arent as good of a judge of people as you thought you were. ill give you this. better than most, smarter than many, but sometimes you let your mind run a little too far and think thoughts that really just came from nowhere.dont fucking worry about categorizing people that in the scheme of things dont matter. if you put 1/2 the effort into YOUR life that you do in to everyone elses then hell, you just may be the next...joe francis (was gonna say mark zuckerburg- but thats giving you too much credit youre much sleezier). go use your brain for something productive sir and life will fall into place.
